This event called “Jornada RSME-AMAT” is focus on mathematical divulgation. It is organized together between Student Mathematical Association (AMAT) of Granada University (UGR) and the Royal Mathematical Spanish Society (RSME). It was placed in the Mathematical Institute of Granada (IEMath-Granada).
This time, The Fluxions our divugaltive podcast was recording in live. We talked about the latest and firsts women that won the highest mathematical prizes: Abel Prize and Fields Medal. These women were Maryam Mirzakhani (Fields) and Karen Uhlenbeck (Abel). We exposed in a clear and easy way their lives and their contributions to mathematics. This podcast (in Spanish) is now available to listen online.
It was a very exciting experience since it was the very first time that we recorded with attendees. We all learned more about these women and their mathematics. Furthermore, we all have some fun and we could perceive some laughs between the audience.